Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Logo has Arrived!

Finally, I have decided on a logo for my photography. I feel like quite the graphic designer; at last learning Photoshop and truly creating my own splat of text that stands for me only. Soon, I will be plastered all over the internet, known through the opaque personality of my logo . . .

I wish.

An aspiring photographer/ journalist always has high hopes, but I, for one, am certainly not delusional. It will take time and effort to get myself out and about and then, someday, to actually make money doing what I enjoy. But for now, I will content myself with sharing my thoughts with my few dear readers, here. So, if you don't mind, let me know what you think! Do you like my logo? How about my photography? Please comment and share, and if you have a blog, I would love to check it out. I do blog surf in my free time. I feel it is a perfect way to get a feel for the world and really understand the gritty human way of thinking. I like it real because that is how we learn.

A note about this photograph:
These are 'Ohelo berries, the main delicacy for Hawaii's state bird, the Nene goose. I took this photo on a trip to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, a favorite Saturday afternoon hike for my family. The 'Ohelo berries thrive in a moist, cool environment, the definition of the Big Island of Hawaii's climate. On many elementary school field trips to the park, I remember making 'ohelo berry ice cream and 'ohelo berry pie. Fully ripened these berries pop as you bite into them, not unlike a blueberry, and spread a sweetly bland flavor down your throat. They certainly aren't my favorite, but are quite fun to eat, especially while surrounded by black and bleak lava. Quite the splash of color, don't you think?

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