Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Well Done

I was cleaning the kitchen the other day, listening to my "JJ Heller" station on Pandora, when a Moriah Peters' songs came on. I liked it, so I went to good old youtube.com and found her first music video for her song, Well Done. I'm pretty much in love with this song. Her voice is amazing, the lyrics speak real and it's catchy. What do you think? I love music which is mostly acoustic, so not all of her songs are on my top ten, but this is for sure number one for now! Oh, and she is only 19. So, I could totally do this too! Either way, she is an amazing example. :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sneakily Peaceful

Rudy was cuddling with Sterling during a nap on the couch. Kodak moment, as Rudy stares at me from half-opened eyes.

I experimented with my budding Photoshop skills and had some fun. Hope you like it!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Hike it Up

Today, I picked up a hitch hiker.

Before you freak out, it's ok, I didn't pick up a shady looking guy, it was a girl, she turned out to be a sophomore, just like me. Nothing weird about that! I had passed her twice times on the road, once on my way down, once on my way back home. I stopped at a convenience store in sight of her standing on the side of the road. I had to grab some batteries before heading home. As I came out and saw her still standing there, I got in the car, debating on whether I should ask her if she needed help or a ride. Finally, a feeling a little sheepish, I closed my eyes and prayed quickly, "God, if you want me to pick her up, just tell me. I don't know if this will actually work, but here goes." Then I tried to just not think about anything for a second. All I could feel was yes and some nervous butterflies. So, after a nice big sigh, I turned around and pulled over beside *Tina. She needed to get to a downtown house, so, I told her to hop in and off we went.

All we talked about was school and life, but I think it was worth it. When I got home and told my dad that I picked up a hitch hiker, he flipped. After reassuring him it was a girl my age, he calmed down. But honestly, since I saw someone who needed a friend for a few minutes, I helped. I wish more people would think about the fact that not everyone in this world is lucky sometimes. Help them too.

*Name changed.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vacation= (Work)

I know, I know, you have all probably heard enough about scuba diving, so just look. Just look at these gorgeous photos of the wonderful place God has given to me for a home.

Leleiwi, Hilo, Hawaii

Puako, Hawaii 

Now come visit me and I'll take you diving!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Days!

I think that pets are pretty much the craziest things on earth today. Luckily for me, my family has a LOT of them, as you may have noticed from previous posts. Today's lovely model is Koko, who enjoys long walks in the middle of our road, sunning herself in the rain, and curling up for naps in visitors' cars. One of her favorite past times is chasing rocks that my brother and I throw into the tall grass we haven't mowed yet. The funny bit about her is that she knows they are just rocks, but goes after them anyway!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Some Good Stuff

This past Saturday after church, a group of wanna-be, could-be, possibly, photographers headed out to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to take pictures with some of the best photographers we know. Led by Mark Watanabe, we trooped around on trails, snapping pictures, learning more about light, fiddling with tripods, and laughing at each other as we walked through the jungle. It was lots of fun, but I always find it hard to take pictures while surrounded by other photographers. Maybe it was the fact that I had professionals around me, or that it was a forced time to take pictures— I don't know. But it sure was difficult to snap some decent shots. Fortunately, I came out with three I really, really liked. 

This first one is by far one of my most favorite pictures I have taken in my career as a photographer hopeful. On the left side, washed out and pale is the actual fern. The darker fern commanding the majority of the frame, is actually the shadow of the upright fern on the left. I edited it to give it all a pale green look, which I think makes it even more dramatic. I.LOVE.This.PICTURE. What do you think?

This fallen log caught my attention because of its two toned bark. It must have been bleached in the sun or by  some growth that used to be there perhaps. Either way, turning the entire picture into black and white emphasized even more the difference in colors and textures, making it quite a dramatic tease.

A simple weed really, this little piece of fluff was blowing all over the place. The sun was on it's way to the horizon, so without much light left but a strong sky, I snapped several of these, to ensure I got one which was in focus. Definitely worth it.