Today, I picked up a hitch hiker.
Before you freak out, it's ok, I didn't pick up a shady looking guy, it was a girl, she turned out to be a sophomore, just like me. Nothing weird about that! I had passed her twice times on the road, once on my way down, once on my way back home. I stopped at a convenience store in sight of her standing on the side of the road. I had to grab some batteries before heading home. As I came out and saw her still standing there, I got in the car, debating on whether I should ask her if she needed help or a ride. Finally, a feeling a little sheepish, I closed my eyes and prayed quickly, "God, if you want me to pick her up, just tell me. I don't know if this will actually work, but here goes." Then I tried to just not think about anything for a second. All I could feel was yes and some nervous butterflies. So, after a nice big sigh, I turned around and pulled over beside *Tina. She needed to get to a downtown house, so, I told her to hop in and off we went.
All we talked about was school and life, but I think it was worth it. When I got home and told my dad that I picked up a hitch hiker, he flipped. After reassuring him it was a girl my age, he calmed down. But honestly, since I saw someone who needed a friend for a few minutes, I helped. I wish more people would think about the fact that not everyone in this world is lucky sometimes. Help them too.
*Name changed.
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