As I sit here typing this, my ideal bedtime is ticking away. This makes me sad, but I know that I will just have to make the night what the morning could be— study time. You see, I have found that though living in a dorm has it's perks (basically a huge mall and only two minutes from class), there is also the disadvantage of my friends. I may innocently be working on my Microeconomics homework, when someone barges in to tell me a story. Of course, being the easily-distracted person that I am, I'm all ears, and before you know it, half an hour is gooonnneee. Once they leave, I then have to (somehow) re-focus and get back into the "zone". It's rough.
So this morning I tried what I did a couple of times last year— go to bed early and wake up super duper early. So, at 8:00pm I turned off my light, and at 4:30am I popped out of bed ready to roll! Didn't even hit the snooze button and let me tell you, it feels GREAT. I got loads done, and since I went to bed on time, my entire day just felt, more vibrant. It is difficult to do this every night though, because some nights, meetings must be met and life must go on. But basically, what I'm saying is:
You should try it sometime.
Lemme know how it goes.
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