Sunday, October 28, 2012

Barn Party, Yeee-Hawwww!

Since I am a part of our ASB team and ran the Pumpking Bowiling bowling alleys last night, I didn't have much time to take pictures. Here are a few that I managed to snap near the end to show off our awesome location, the Prairie Creek Inn. I'm sorry I don't have any sweeping landscapes, but 11:00 at night is not the best for lighting. It was such a beautiful place and we were taken such good care of, I would totally go back there again.

For a brand new event, the Barn Party was a hit!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Sabbath

This is a classic hymn, but Jadon Lavik re-did the tune, and I'm just blessedly obsessed with it right now. I LOVE this song! Be still today.

Happy Sabbath guys!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Today I test drove a car for the first time.

Now you may ask, "Why is that such a big deal Elena? You're a licensed driver!" As true as this is, driving my mom's car around the town I grew up in, and test driving a Buick in a city I'm only in for school, stands in quite a different light in my eyes. You see, I am a good driver, have driven in most conditions (other than icy roads), and safe. But as much as I love to drive I also hate it. Having other people in the car other than myself is such a huge responsibility! So today, when I was handed the keys to this car, I was slightly freaked out. Luckily, I got to drive it with only myself to think about; without worrying that anyone would be critiquing my skill at the wheel. So as I was left alone in the parking lot, I punched on the lights (it was a foggy day), turned down the radio (to facilitate concentration), adjusted the seat (I have short legs compared to a 6 foot something driver), and prayed that God would protect me in this vehicle. In the short of it, He did!

I will say that driving in Nebraska was not so bad after all. I survived, came nowhere near getting into an accident, and only had difficulty (embarrassingly) parking the big boat.

I ended up declining to purchase the car, but I learned a couple of things today:

1. Things are almost never as bad as you imagine them to be.
2. I am blessed with amazing friends.
3. Responsibility is no joke.

Now, as I continue to delve into the inner workings of Microeconomics, Sociology, and ancient culture, I will keep this theme of responsibility strong. I am at school to learn after all. Learn Responsibly: to learn with the intention of retaining. That's my definition anyway. At least for tonight.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


At a brisk wind of 25 miles per hour, peaking at a possible 50 mph later today, I feel like just curling up on my bed with some tea and a good book. But alas, I have nine hours of work ahead of me still and at least two hours of homework. The life of a college student is definitely mine.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall is Heeere!

My favorite season of the year (besides winter, spring and summer) has definitely arrived!

After an extremely productive and much needed fall break (aka Friday off) I am refreshed and ready to finish this semester and enjoy some cold weather. I'm ready to GO!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

As Life Goes By

I know, I know, I have been quite silent over the past two weeks, but I have good reason. Well, no, I actually don't. I have been very busy, but not too busy to make the time to write a blog post or snap some shots. My problem the past two weeks has been my time management (or lack thereof).

When I overextend myself with things I am involved in (which is a current problem) I tend to get overwhelmed. And when I get overwhelmed, I start to lose motivation. When I lose motivation, the first thing to go is the cleanliness of my room. Oh, I changed my outfit this morning? Well, I'll just pile the old stuff at the foot of my bed. Old newspapers that need to be thrown away? I'll just wait until next week when I have more to throw out, and save myself a trip. I have homework I need to do? Let me just wander around my room trying to motivate myself to clean instead. You get the picture.

What do I do then, when I just have too much to do? I do nothing for a while, except cram papers in just barely in time and review for a quiz 10 minutes before class. Then I get mad at myself for procrastinating and freaking out, get organized, and then buckle down and work. It takes some doing, but it is possible.

I have reached the "buckle down" stage in this process today, and while I still really do have too much to do, I am determined to get it together. I'm at school to get good grades and graduate after all. So, let's DO this! School is wonderful! No, college is wonderful! My life is NOW, so yay college and God!

P.S. I also paint my nails ( a normally rare occurrence) when I freak out. This weekend, they are mint with gold sparkles. You know you like it.