Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Today I test drove a car for the first time.

Now you may ask, "Why is that such a big deal Elena? You're a licensed driver!" As true as this is, driving my mom's car around the town I grew up in, and test driving a Buick in a city I'm only in for school, stands in quite a different light in my eyes. You see, I am a good driver, have driven in most conditions (other than icy roads), and safe. But as much as I love to drive I also hate it. Having other people in the car other than myself is such a huge responsibility! So today, when I was handed the keys to this car, I was slightly freaked out. Luckily, I got to drive it with only myself to think about; without worrying that anyone would be critiquing my skill at the wheel. So as I was left alone in the parking lot, I punched on the lights (it was a foggy day), turned down the radio (to facilitate concentration), adjusted the seat (I have short legs compared to a 6 foot something driver), and prayed that God would protect me in this vehicle. In the short of it, He did!

I will say that driving in Nebraska was not so bad after all. I survived, came nowhere near getting into an accident, and only had difficulty (embarrassingly) parking the big boat.

I ended up declining to purchase the car, but I learned a couple of things today:

1. Things are almost never as bad as you imagine them to be.
2. I am blessed with amazing friends.
3. Responsibility is no joke.

Now, as I continue to delve into the inner workings of Microeconomics, Sociology, and ancient culture, I will keep this theme of responsibility strong. I am at school to learn after all. Learn Responsibly: to learn with the intention of retaining. That's my definition anyway. At least for tonight.

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