Friday, November 29, 2013

Acción de Gracias

For the past three years I have not have had Thanksgiving with my parents. Each year it has been a bit easier, especially because I have been with other family members. This year, I was with zero family members and all friends. Let me tell you, I ate some incredible food, and really enjoyed the day. Honestly, it just felt like a normal day, which made the crazy cooking and cleaning and laughing of it all so much fun.

First of all, people were cooking in our cramped, understocked kitchen all day. We had to make food for sixty people! All I ended up doing was chopping vegetables for a salad, with one of two or three knives that we had. There were only a couple of bowls and spoons, and people were mixing vats of toppings with little forks. Half of what we used were borrowed from students who live off campus! Plus the one little oven. There were around 15 dishes made. Wrap your mind around THAT craziness. But when we were done, I have to say, that was some of the best food I've had. We even had a whole vegan section!

At the end of our meal, we were all given papers to write down what we were thankful for. Obviously, that mac and cheese was well liked. But besides thankfulness for the food and authentic pumpkin pie, we were all thankful for our families, our new friends in ACA and the UAP, the chance to be in Argentina, and the care of our God. We know we're lucky, and I think I speak on behalf of all the ACA students when I say we are grateful. More than even we may realize right now. And that's what makes Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving. Not necessarily having all your family together, or just the right number of pies baked, but being with those you care about and can enjoy a moment with. A moment that won't happen exactly the same ever again. We made our moment count. Did you?

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