Tuesday, November 13, 2012

78 Degrees in November

Mid-November and it was 78 degrees on Saturday. Whoa. A park and a walk were in order. On our way around back bike trails and behind stores, we found an abandoned cart.

And for my dear mum, here's a picture from our most recent banquet. Borrowed dress, but definitely my own fun. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Voted Today- I Got My Sticker

"Is this your first time voting?"

"Yeah! Do I really look that young?"

"Yes, and congratulations, you are now a part of our nation's history."

I am indeed. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

To Bless the Future

Currently, Union is undergoing some incredible changes. We are constructing a new Math and Science complex that should be complete for classes next year! Today as an afternoon Sabbath activity, we got permission from the construction company to go in with soap stone pencils and write on the beams and supports composing the building's skeleton.

At 3:30, students came. Parents came. Little kids and the President of the college came. We prayed together and after choosing a pole or beam, we began to write. Verses from the Bible, little drawings-- we scribbled all over the place!

Happy Sabbath, may God bless this building!