Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blog Relocation Time!

It's time. I started out my little blog with the wonderfully simple Google Blogger. Probably the easiest way to begin a blog, Google Blogger is a straightforward platform for blogging that I have suggested to many of my friends over the years for starting their own blogs. But, as I've seen happen to other bloggers, Google Blogger's simplicity reached a limit for me, and I wanted to learn more and do more on my blogs. So, like the brave adventurers before me, I am moving to WordPress. You're always welcome to read old blogs from here and some might make a re-appearance on my new WordPress blog. 
WordPress can do so much more and I am slightly overwhelmed. But because I'm majoring in Communications, Emerging Media, I figured it's time to become familiar with what loads of businesses use to blog or even run entire websites. So, here we are.
For a while, my blogs have been fairly straightforward-- simple updates about my life, pictures, a cool video here and there. But I've found that the blogs that I love reading are blogs that tackle difficult issues, contain more stories (more than mine usually do at least), and just interesting things in general. With that in mind, I am going to try to incorporate all this into my blog. If you are still reading it, friend, thanks, because all this blog really contains is me splattering my opinions and thoughts in a public place. If you are reading this, perhaps you find them (my thoughts) interesting. Perhaps funny. Maybe dumb. Either way, you're reading it, which gives me motivation to continue to improve it and therefore myself. The world is a big place, I want to understand it better. Here goes. Continue reading at

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Sunday we leave for Iguazu Falls and I'll tell you I'm ready to go! Yesterday, we finished up finals for our second trimester, so from now until March 10 I'm (basically) on break. One week travelling up to the north of Argentina, and the next week being Spring Break. Yes, I'm feeling better, and yes, I am still learning Spanish.

In fact, next trimester, we have the option of taking an internship (pasantía) for one credit hour (7.5 hours a week) in one of a few options. There is the teaching English internship, one for business, and one for translating letters, among others. I chose to do the translation one because of how much I think I'll learn. I haven't been doing very well at retaining the vocab from the books I have been reading. Perhaps because my dedication to studying this past trimester has been up and down like a 6 year old's yo-yo. With that in mind, I hope that the repetition of new words that is sure to occur in these letters will help them stick in my mind better. Also, I'm waaaay better at writing in Spanish than I am at speaking. Who knew?

Happy Sabbath to all. I'll leave you with this beautiful poem to let you think. Click the link to go to the poem.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

All the Tired Children

I think I can officially say that I'm . . . almost ready to go back to the United States. Nope, I can't do it. I am ready. I try so hard to seem tough and flexible when it comes to being an independent person, but I think I have to admit it all now. I've said it enough over skype calls with friends and in passing in the cafeteria-- the U.S.A. is GREAT and I REALLY miss it. So onward through finals week, and then too fun trips to keep my mind on Spanish and enjoying the here and now.