Sunday, May 20, 2012

Life is a One-Time Thing

As I was growing up, I was more excited about the freedom of exploring than I was about going to college to learn skills, get a "good job" and then make money. Sometimes exploring take some real drive and determination, which I realize I often lack. Fact is, I am a lazy person, but I love to do active things. I just need to get myself out the door-- then I'm all set and ready to go. One of my goals now that I'm in college is just to DO stuff, whether I want to or not, because it really is worth it. This leads me to the point of this little blurb about life: next summer.

Next summer, my friends Kerri, Tyler, and I really, really, really want to bike from Nebraska to Oregon. We would have 19 days to do it, because there is a deadline we must meet. What an amazing adventure it would be! Completely on our own, getting some extreme exercise, and doing something we all enjoy-- bicycling! It is going to take a lot of hard work, physical training (beginning now), and some extreme convincing to bring our parents around to the idea, but I think we can do it. I know we can do it, we just have to. It would be one of those life milestone-memories. I'm ready.

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