Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer . . . a Time for Making Money

Rather than wrapping burritos at Taco Bell, bagging groceries at Sack-N-Save, or picking up dog poo along the road, I actually managed to get some pretty awesome jobs this summer. I have had my own business for a while, stringing and servicing tennis racquets. On top of that however, I am a PADI Divemaster, certified to teach Discover Scuba Dives (DSD's) and give tours of dive sites. Luckily, I live in a beautiful place called Hawaii, and have already done over 10 DSD's! What is a DSD you ask? It is NOT a certification, but rather an introduction to scuba diving. It is a really fun and easy course, only about 2 hours total (including suiting up and briefing) and students leave with a little more confidence in your abilities than you had before. Guess what? If you decide to continue on and get your certification with PADI, your DSD will count as your first confined water.

Ok, enough of selling myself, but it really is quite exciting. It is just so cool to watch a student complete a skill, and realize they can do it. This past Sunday I did some DSD's for our local Pathfinder club (like girl scouts and boy scouts mixed together) and it was just-- well, awesome. They all did fantastic jobs, continuing to try even if they didn't get a skill, such as clearing their mask, the first time. Sparkling eyes and toothy grins were my rewards of the day, and well worth it.

If you are interested in diving or just want some educational "stuff" to keep your brain from turning to mush this summer, check out Dive Training Magazine. This magazine is for old and new divers alike, with beautiful photos and fun stories to ignite your excitement for the underwater world.


  1. dude the underwater photography tab on there is freaking cool

  2. Thanks for reading, and I KNOW!!! I love this magazine, also Alert Diver, another one. There is a really amazing underwater photographer named Stephen Frink that contributes to both a lot. Google him sometime.

  3. =)
    I'll check them out for sure!
