Friday, September 27, 2013

Five Minute Friday

I set my stopwatch for five minutes and just wrote using this weeks prompt word "true." The whole point is to write without editing yourself for five minutes and see what comes out! I got this from my friend's website who got it from another website, the original. Try the Five Minute Friday thing if you are so inclined! If you want, do it right now, it the comments section here, but be sure to visit the link to see what it's all about.


Straight, honest, a line; necessary for life.

It's true. What is? What is true?

I'm in South America.
I have dreams.
I have problems.

But I have friends.
I have ways to accomplish those dreams.
I am where I have chosen to be.

Hmmm, three more minutes.
I like to draw. I actually really do. I don't count myself as an artist, but it's better than twiddling my thumbs.
Today I decided to depict my adventure of yesterday in a drawing. Dare I say I sometimes wish I were an artist? It's true.

But I'm not. I'm a writer, though that could be questioned as well. Sometimes words don't come to mind when they are needed. They skip work for the day and leave me to fend for myself. They work even less when I try to use my Spanish. It's true!

That's why this year is going to be hard, but worth it; tiring, but fun. I'm out of time.

This is all true.


  1. "I'm in South America.
    I have dreams.
    I have problems."
    this is the part that captured me the most. it says so much.
    thanks for writing! visiting from FMF!

  2. I have dreams. I have problems. Preach it, girl! I love your positive outlook.
